Thursday, August 26, 2010

Road home...

the road home.
This is mine, its a 1 mile stretch from hi-way to town.
Fields of lettuce, strawberries, celery greet you on both sides
It is lined with walnut trees
timeless walnut tree that have seen a lot.
my road home greets me & my family knowing soon we will be back where we belong.

Long ago when my MyLove and I first started going to church in Monterey we met on Thursday nights in a family's home for bible study and couple group. We had 1 little baby- they had 2 boys and hoped for a girl. They had adopted one son & thru much effort was able to birth one also. But they knew they'd need to adopt a girl since having another on their own wouldn't happen. Great story. Great family. Nice home.
many years have pasted, we still see them from time to time.
they have a middle school daughter.
I've seen their son picture at Boy Scout office wall on Eagle's Nest.
seemingly they've done well.

The other day I was leaving the mall from back
to school shopping and saw, as usual & somewhat annoying to me, another "beggar" waiting on corner for handouts
for money
for who knows what
it erks me
not a lot
just a little at the audacity that our hard work should gift their habit.
what do I know but its honest.
My heart stopped.
I knew his face.
I'd been in his home.
It was their son.
Begging for money, for who knows what.
All roads are not the right path...
Pray for him.
God knows his name & wants to lead him back...

Monday, August 23, 2010

can you leave comments?
or does it not work?
since I can't check,
if you could kindly let me know...
I'd love to hear

Bragging rights.

this kid can ride.
Yes, she has a trainer & has been at it for a few years....but she has a gift. And somehow it shines on the back of this beast.
It all happened after about 2-3 years of her begging for horse lessons. First of all, where? And then with whom? And the biggest question, how much?
I waited til the request didn't just dissolve & go away with boredom in didn't. And then I started asking around, which lead to a summer camp. After a week of "camp" my shy, slightly unengaged, good student but cautious & with rare glimpses of self-confidence peaking through changed.
Like, overnight.
We went to watch her & she was so proud, she didn't ask if she was "doing ok" or "should I do____" or wait for someone else to lead the way. Nope, she was independent. Strong. In control of something far bigger than her & ready to lead. She listened intently to direction & then, just did it. And has continued to blow our socks off since...
I have braggin rights you see, she's an amazing kid.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dear Pioneer Woman,

You rock. In the big sense of, you helped change someone in the world's day today. So from way out in coastal California-thank you. I juggle 5 kids & a man that needs my ever loving attention. I adore just about everything about that "blog thing you do"....why? Because it makes me relate to someone and kinda mentors me through that place of "why didn't anyone ever teach me how to do this thing called mother/wife/household". I've loved photography for as long as I can remember but only now as a 36 year old did I ever realize I could have focused on that in one ever told me. And it didn't fall into the lawyer, nurse, teacher, accountant, engineer category so I thought it was like majoring in ceramics. Bummer. The good news is, blogs have changed my path & given me that education I missed out on. I have learned so so much from you (and other blogs as well!) and from the depths of my heart-thank you. It its the thing that makes me eager & focus on something I enjoy, which I rarely allow myself to give time to. A crew of 5 will do that to ya. But when something "clicks" no pun intended, my heart soars!! You've given me those moments & I thought you should know.
I also love to cook, well, to be honest, I love to eat. Which means I married right, MyLove is a professional Chef & we love being in the kitchen together. I am always asked," How do you cook for him?? Aren't you nervous". To that I say, nope, if he doesn't like it-he's a chef-he can cook for himself! Besides after 18 years together, we're pretty tight. Biggest bonus, because the profession has a wack schedule, is I've never had to cook a holiday meal & if I am craving something, ANYTHING, I can ask for it. Kinda like a kitchen genie.
So Mrs. Ree, thanks. I adore your candidness & honesty. Your sharing & perspective & skills are appreciated.
Have a splendid in case no one has said it today, you rock.
Ada in Coastal Cali

PS really sorry about your iphone. truly. Dangit said on your behalf. That's Steve J, wouldn't you think he'd use bullet proof glass or something??

PSS yes I realize you get loads of emails/fan mail/introductions to strangers & don't expect a response. still cool "talking" to you ;)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

kinda quiet around here...

I admit. I'm ho hum...
I guess its fine. Of course I will get back in my groove...I always do.
They are back to school.
like everything in life
I try to apply
The Pollyanna Approach
in everything that comes into your life
find something to be glad about...

my glad part is they love it.
We have fantastic schools
& really neat teachers
& the miss their friends
& I think deep down they like getting back to the routine. Deep. Down.
Adore. My 1st grader
Honestly, this should be an advertisement for freckles. Sweet 4th grader.

my 6th grader starting middle school & leaving me with a lump in my throat...

Eek. I've heard it all week, "what happened to Parker? He's SO handsome"... from all the moms!! Best part of this kid is his heart. He's spent his first 3 days of school not hanging out with his pals & buds he missed all summer, nope, a new kid. Just because he wants that kid to like school & not have to eat alone at lunch or be sad.
Yes, he's handsome & thensome.
Good gravy its all down hill. Is she going off to college? Nope this beauty is starting 8th grade. Last year, big kid on campus, thinking about what she wants in life & lots of big stuff. I'm already missing her...And she's stoked having little bro at school with her. Makes a momma swell with tears, I mean pride.

Madeline & Paige in class first day
Tradition. Only a few are missing, grown & off to BVMS...and B is standing in. That kid is something else.
Proud Daddy & Momma.
feels like I just took this pic with Kenzie a minute ago...
(2 years ago...:(

And today...what a change, eh?
Our fearless Chief. Mr. T is awesome! And always out front waiting to greet the kids

now I'm off to find a life.