Thursday, March 19, 2009


whatda do when your best pal lives miles away?................


Madeline & Bella are exactly 12 days apart. Planned no, well not by us- divinely YES! These girls scamper off for hours of uninterupted play and oblivious to anyone else. They are sweet... like candy corn sweet. I love that. 

So here is their birthday compromise, neither could make each others party this year for the first time since 2-:(
We met in the middle, I surprise mine, she told hers. Smitten that's what they were- like peas in a pod seperated. 

She LOVED her present, it's a JO-JO, no it's a horse webkinz she quickly named Madeline (like I said sweet like candy). The bag contained girl-loot of all sorts, lip gloss, princess stamp, calendar (yes mom more for you to do :)
a lil purse, all Bella stuff

Madeline scored a princess tiara with earrings that I fix every 5 minutes (yes more for mom to do) She loves them, then the kicker of them all, a phone. No not just any phone, a pink, heart, princess, fancy phone that already has frequent flyer miles built up (in 3 days)

Irresistible that's what they are.........and they are 5.


  1. Cutey girls!! Happy Birthday Madeline and Bella. ~H

  2. Hi Ada,

    Thanks for the email. I'm really loving my new look! I love the pictures from the birthday! Madeline is adorable!

  3. Hi Ada,

    Just got your comment from last night. It's been a while since I've come to vistit your blog. Hope you are all doing well. How exciting that your son's birthday is coming up! I know what you mean about being emotional. Letting them grow up is tough!!! Thanks also for the suggestion of trying to look for my erased photo. I actually erased it while it was still on my camera. It's a new camera, so I will have to look around and see if I can retrieve it from somewhere in the camera. Who knows...maybe I should take the time to read the manual? Ha, Ha! Talk to you later. Hope you have a great day!!!
