Why would we?
How could we?
Leave this gorgeous place that so many flock to EVERY DAY.
Because Mr. Sun has been wasting my summer days with gray.
And I'm a fan of fog.
{Yes, people I wrote that and am in the minority who enjoy chilly weather that makes you feel cozy and want to start a fire}
of course all things within reason.
59 degrees is not July, its rude.

SO away we went only about 40 minutes up and to the right... (aka NE) to find sunshine!

never mind the S....it was the direction my car was facing....
Notice the difference a few miles make. 88-59=29 degrees!!!
hence the need to flee!
over to Morgan Hill Aquatic Center.
the best part was we (friend w/ 3 kids)
just had to watch the littles...
There are lifeguards everywhere!
And since they buddied up (no one was solo)
the frantic mom could chill...kinda

And quite frankly he was having none of my explaination
"you ate them ALL".
If you want to jump off the diving boards you have to pass a swim test.
(smart thinking!)
And the big girls went & did it no problem...
Then little miss, all by herself went to ask if she could do it.
She was beaming! She passed & got the "Im a cool kid too" bracelet.

Oh & did I mention they have funnel cake?!!
"All this can be yours...IF the sky is gray!"
So much Fun!!! I would re do that day....AGAIN!!! and the funnel cake too.